Summer School, so far
Wow, it is hard to believe that the first two weeks ofsummer classes has already passed. It is even harder tobelieve that the first week of summer school has alreadyended (Thank goodness!). Now it is time for the 1st yearsto begin to take over the reins with us as 2nd years in thepassenger seat, but still close at hand. I have not met oneof my first years yet. She will be here on Monday, Ibelieve. I hope so because she is missing out on watchingme teach so much. The first week of summer school was alittle rocky at first. There was some confusion with theadministration, and the entire running of the summer schoolprogram. After 4 days, it appears that we finally have thelunch system figured out. I hope that it will stay the samefor now. Everything inside the classroom is running well. Adrian, Tiffany, and I work extremely well together. (Thank goodness that I have someone that I can work with and havefun with. ) In addition, we have two verydedicated first year teachers who I believe will be a hugesuccess. Jamilia and Hunter work well with us, and theyappear to have a great excitement for teaching. To behonest, the summer school program is a little difficult tohandle. Maybe I’m just getting out. Since I am the only2nd year in my room, I have had to already teach elevenlessons. That was a bit much for me in the first week. Iam okay with teaching eleven lessons in one week, but whenit is eleven different lesson (especially four differentlessons in one day) it is a bit much to handle. But, Istill pulled it off some way. Anyway, as this progresses, Ibelieve that it will be very beneficial to the first years. Most importantly, they need to get the most in classroomexperience, and that is what they are doing. I believe inthe end that it will be beneficial to them once they get theswing of things.
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