Monday, June 26, 2006

Summer School Experience

Where do I begin with the summer school experience….. The first week was unorganized and chaotic. No one knew what to do. The lunch schedule was a nightmare. Fifty minutes with kids, food, and idle time does not make a good environment for anyone. After two days of this, the lunch schedule was finally smoothed out. The extra twenty minutes of review/remediation proved to be very useful. Overall, the kids have been great. We have had little to no discipline problems. However, here are a few suggestions for next year:

1. We need an MTC Administrator on sight at all times! No one knew who to report to with a problem. Joe wound up doing this role without the title. We had no one to report to with issues. In addition, we had no one to check in with each day.

2. You need at least two second year teachers in every room. If this is not possible, then give this room an extra first year teacher. I only had myself and another first year teacher for the first two weeks of class. So, it was difficult to do everything! I wound up doing double the work of all the other second year MTC teachers. I had to teach almost twice the amount of lessons. Plus, I had to be in the room at all times. Thank goodness I had Tiffany andAdryon. They were a lifesaver! If it should arise that a second year teacher has to be in the room by themselves, make sure that ALL of their first years will be here the first week. This would have been so helpful to me instead of waiting two weeks to get another teacher. But, who knows, next year, the person in my shoes may not have a lifesaver!

3. Have registration in advance. This will give us the necessary information before we ever enter the classroom. This will allow us to see how many students are in every section, and to see if we can eliminate sections, or if we need to add sections. This will eliminate having 28 students in one section of Pre-Algebra and 8 Students in one section of Algebra I. It will also eliminate having five teachers in one section for two students! This way, we could hopefully even out the numbers a little better next time. In addition, it is not fair to switch a teacher to a different subject after they have spent a week doing lesson plans.

4. Second year teachers need more incentives. We have already taught for 9 months (really longer than that if you count summer school last summer). We are tired and burned out. We are not getting paid for this, and now, we do not even have laptops to use. We are getting a $200 stipend (thatwill probably be taxed). We got a huge stipend last summer, so what about this summer. I mean, this was added to our program. So, can’t we get a little something out of all the work that we did? Can’t we keep the laptops or something? It appears that the morale among second years is lower here than it is on the war front in Iraq.

5. The computer class should not be a computer based class. I will have a separate blog about this.

These are just some of my thoughts about summer school. Overall, the summer school experience has been a unique experience. I think next year will be better. It will be better organized with more time and thought put into the entire process.


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