Friday, November 03, 2006


Well, after a long two weeks, the day has finally arrived. That is correct, today is homecoming. For the past two weeks, I have been helping with the freshman float. I was asked about three weeks ago to be the chairman of the freshman float. I graciously accepted the offer. Mostly because I love working on stuff like this, and it sort of took me back to my former years of high school. All week has been Spirit Week. It has been so much fun. The kids really got into it, but most of all, the teachers got into it (including myself). Monday was career day and I went as a farmer. Tuesday was Halloween Day and I went as Santa Claus. Wednesday was pajama day, and I was happy to go in my Ole Miss pajamas all day long. Thursday was 80 year old day. Yes, I came as an 80 year old with the walker and everything. Today was Blue and Gold Day. This year, the theme for homecoming was OB Pride (recommended by myself and another teacher). We decided to go with this theme since we recently split into multiple high schools. This would allow the kids to have a sense of what it is actually like to have OB Pride. The theme of our float was Take A Ride With OB Pride. It included race cars, and the kids waved blue and yellow checkered flags. The kids had a great time with it. The truth is, I think I did as well. The point is this. High School cannot be just about work. It has to promote a sense of duty and pride. To me, that is exactly what was done here today.


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