My First Weeks
Now, three weeks have gone by since I began the Mississippi Teacher Corps. Time really flies because we are so busy! Each day, I get up at about 6:15 to be at Oxford Middle School by 7:30 A.M. From there, it is rush, rush, rush! I teach from 7:30 - 11:30 A.M. each day. Some days, I teacher 8th Grade Math for the full four hours. Other days, I teacher Pre-Algebra for about two hours. Once I finish teaching, I run to grab some lunch. Then, it is off to Mrs. Monroe's class from 1:00 to 4:00. By 4:00, I am absolutely exhausted! However, my day has just begun. I then must go home to prepare for the next day. This normally involves me sitting at my kitchen table for a few hours writing lesson plans and making worksheets for the following day. In addition, I have to find time to read and write blogs :). Thus, it seems as if I have to remind myself that I need to eat and sleep!
In the middle of all this, there is a new house. For two weeks, I have been trying to buy a house in Desoto County. I never knew that buying a home was so difficult! Last week, I went to Desoto County three times. So, on top of everything else, I am busy with buying a house. I am on my third house now. Something keeps happening when I find a house. On the first house, someone wrote a contract 12 hours before me! So, it is always something! Now, I think I have finally found a house! The contract is pending on it. I went up yesterday (Saturday) to sign some more paperwork. We hope to close by July 15. So I'm excited! I'll have to have everyone up once I get settled.
These last few weeks have been extremely busy and challenging. Do I feel a little overwhelmed? Sometimes. The important thing is that these last few weeks have been very fun, and I will always have lasting memories. In addition, I have made lots of new friends through the program. It is always a lot easier to go through something when you see about 25 other people going through the same thing. These past weeks have flow by so fast! It is hard to believe that we have already been here three weeks. We only have seven more days of student teaching, and July is just around the corner. I am looking forward to the remainder of the summer. I think the rest of it will be just like the beginning, fun and rememorable.
In the middle of all this, there is a new house. For two weeks, I have been trying to buy a house in Desoto County. I never knew that buying a home was so difficult! Last week, I went to Desoto County three times. So, on top of everything else, I am busy with buying a house. I am on my third house now. Something keeps happening when I find a house. On the first house, someone wrote a contract 12 hours before me! So, it is always something! Now, I think I have finally found a house! The contract is pending on it. I went up yesterday (Saturday) to sign some more paperwork. We hope to close by July 15. So I'm excited! I'll have to have everyone up once I get settled.
These last few weeks have been extremely busy and challenging. Do I feel a little overwhelmed? Sometimes. The important thing is that these last few weeks have been very fun, and I will always have lasting memories. In addition, I have made lots of new friends through the program. It is always a lot easier to go through something when you see about 25 other people going through the same thing. These past weeks have flow by so fast! It is hard to believe that we have already been here three weeks. We only have seven more days of student teaching, and July is just around the corner. I am looking forward to the remainder of the summer. I think the rest of it will be just like the beginning, fun and rememorable.
You must be going crazy with the house hunting and paper work. I recently bought a house and know what a huge headache it can be. Good luck to you.
I bought a house about three years ago, and I can assure you that in the price range (starter home) I would assume you are looking, houses go fast. Sometimes they never even make MLS before they are under contract and sold. I am getting ready to sell my house now, and I can tell you that it's no fun, but wiht the fact that houses in my area are selling for ~20,000 more than when I bought my house three years ago, I just keep packing and cleaning.
Good luck with the house and with MTC. I was "stationed" at West Tally. I think about y'all knew kids sometimes, and I wish you the best of luck and an unlimited supply of patience and understanding!
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